A few days ago a friend - a very delicate soul and a wonderful photographer - left very sweet comment in one of my posts saying I should be studying literature. Since she teaches and studies Spanish literature herself, she jokingly added that perhaps I was too intelligent to think anyone could make a living with that profession.
Her comment reminded me of a poem I scribbled long time ago, on my high school days, on the back of my literature notebook. I was debating at the time between following my romantic side and studying an arts career at the university or humouring my geek side and studying computer sciences.
Today, while ruffling through a box of old papers, I found a scrap with the poem.

The poem could be translated like this:
Seems to me one is never as wise as when one is a confused teenager. I have come a long way, but I do place all my foundations on the uncertain clouds.
Her comment reminded me of a poem I scribbled long time ago, on my high school days, on the back of my literature notebook. I was debating at the time between following my romantic side and studying an arts career at the university or humouring my geek side and studying computer sciences.
Today, while ruffling through a box of old papers, I found a scrap with the poem.

The poem could be translated like this:
- Vocation -
He wanted to be a poet
but he had to become a civil engineer
so he could earn his crust.
Some time after, he died of poverty
because he only designed
castles in the sky.
Seems to me one is never as wise as when one is a confused teenager. I have come a long way, but I do place all my foundations on the uncertain clouds.
Estaba pensando en esa pequeña -¿rapunzeleana?- escala de nudos...
¿Era para subir o -por si acaso- para bajar?
Un abrazo grande
Me temo que era -por si acaso- para subir : ( Jajaja.
Murió soñando … y dichoso.
Si murió soñando vivió bien, porque al fin "todo en la vida es sueño" : ) Gracias por la visita.
ay como me perdi esto yo!!!!!
Ahora fue que lo vi, que precioso.
No tienes igual :)
Omar siempre con sus comentarios sagaces. Sam Sagaz (se acuerdan?). Omar Sagaz.
oigame, Mister Cloister, hace mucho que no dice nada.
Dale, que ahora estoy menos estresada...
animo rhino!
Un beso y un abrazo
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